
January 9, 2016

Te Sicimus Praeconio (O Virgin Mother of Our God)

Grotto at Lourdes, France - Courtesy of Wikipedia

PROPER OF SAINTS - Te Dicimus Praeconio is sung at Matins on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, February 11. Although the author of the original Latin hymn is unknown, some have suggested that Leo XIII (who contributed to the Office of Our Lady of Lourdes) may have written the text. The English translation is by Archbishop Edward Bagshawe (1829-1915). The other Latin hymns traditionally sung with the Office for Our Lady of Lourdes are: Ave Maris Stella (Vespers I), Aurora Soli Previa (Lauds), and Omnis Experts Maculae Mariam (Vespers II). O Virgin Mother of Our God can be sung to any hymn tune with metre such as the 7th century Latin hymn: Creator Alme Siderum, as featured in the following video.


1. Te dicimus praeconio,
Intacta Mater Numinis,
Nostris benigna laudibus
Tuam repende gratiam.

2. Sontes Adami posted
Infecta proles gignimur;
Labis paternae nescia
Tu sola, Virgo, crederis.

3. Caput draconis invidi
Tu conteris vestigio,
Et sola gloriam refers
Intaminatae origins.

4. O gentis humanae decus
Quae tollis Hevae opprobrium,
Tu nos tuere supplices,
Tu nos labantes erige.

5. Serpentis antique potes
Astus retunde et impetus,
Ut coelitum perennibus
Per te fruamur gaudes.

6. Jesu, tibi sit gloria
Qui natus es de Virgine,
Cum Patre, et almo Spiriti
In sempiterna saecula.


1. O Virgin Mother of our God,
While we thy matchles? glories chant,
Do thou, in answer to our praise,
To us abundant graces grant.

2. We Adam's guilty children are,
A sin-infected progeny,
Thou art, 0 Virgin, we believe,
Alone from his infection free.

3. The envious dragon's cruel head
Thou with thy heel dost trample down,
And of a stainless origin
Thou only dost the glory own.

4. O Flower of the human race,
Who takest Eve's reproach away,
Protect us when we cry to thee,
Our tottering footsteps deign to stay.

5. From the old serpent's wiles and force,
Thy clients mightily defend,
That, through thy mercy, they may win
Those heavenly joys which never end.

6. Jesus, to Thee be glory given,
Whom erst the Virgin-Mother bore,
With Father and with Holy Ghost,
Through endless ages evermore.