
November 3, 2012

We Praise You, Father, for Your Gifts

Within Your Hands We Rest Secure

We Praise You, Father, for Your Gifts was written by the Anglican Benedictine Nuns of West Malling Abbey. The original Abbey was founded in 1090 as a Benedictine Convent by Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester but fell into secular ownership after Henry VIII's dissolution of the monasteries. It was restored as a home for an Anglican Benedictine Order of Nuns in the late 19th century. We Praise You, Father, for Your Gifts is shown in the Liturgy of the Hours as being set to Gregorian Chant Mode VIII for Te Lucis ante Terminum, a Compline hymn attributed to St. Ambrose Although there are many beautiful settings of this ancient latin hymn, I have not been able to find any that match the musical notation provided in the Divine Office. Fortunately, #620 in the Adoremus Hymnal does match the melody as shown in the Breviary. In the Liturgy of the Hours, We Praise You, Father, for Your Gifts is used during Ordinary Time for Night Prayer.

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