
May 20, 2013

Liturgical Guide: Trinity Sunday

The hymns used in the Liturgy of the Hours for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity reflect the theme of the ineffable mystery of God. John Paul II stated in a homily given at a Mexican Seminary in 1979, that "our God in his deepest mystery is not a solitude, but a family, since he has in himself fatherhood, sonship and the essence of the family, which is love." In his video series: CatholicismBishop Robert Barron picks up on John Paul's words of interpersonal love within the Godhead to describe the Trinity as the "Lover, the Beloved, and their shared love." He goes on by quoting from Book IX of De Trinitate in which St. Augustine presents the image of the Trinity as "Mind, Self Knowledge, and Self Love". And finally Bishop Barron suggests that even our own struggle to fully grasp and describe the Trinity points to the mystery, not unlike Benedict XVI's analogy of the incense we use at Mass as a symbol of the ineffable.

131. All Hail, Adorèd Trinity / Ave Colenda Trinitas
132. Holy, Holy, Holy
133. Come Thou Almighty King

Father Most Holy
Firmly I Believe and Truly

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