
October 18, 2013

Now It is Evening, Time to Cease From Labour

Be Thou Our Guardian Through the Hours of Darkness

Now It is Evening, Time to Cease From Labour is a translation of the hymn Die Nacht ist Kom­men Drin Wir Ruh­en Sol­len by Peter Herbert (c.1530-1571) of Moravia. It was first published in the Brethren's German Hymn Book of 1566 of which he was one of the editors, contributing over 100 hymns. Also known as Petrus Herbertus, he was an ordained Priest of the Unity of the Brethren. He played a important role in this early Protestant denomination; as a member of the Select Council, and as an emissary to prominent people of the day including to Emperor Maximilian II and John Calvin. The full text of Now It is Evening, Time to Cease From Labour can be found here, used as the hymn for Night Prayer. It is sung to the tune, Christe Sanctorum from the Par­is An­ti­phon­er of 1681.

Tune: Christe Sanctorum

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