
February 12, 2014

Christ the True Light of Us

Thou All the Night Our Guardian Be

Christ the True Light of Us is a translation by Walter H. Shewring (1906–1990) of an 8th century text. A convert to the Catholic Faith, Shewring was professor of classics for nearly 60 years at Ampleforth, a Benedictine College in the UK. Christ the True Light of Us is set to the tune, O Amor Quam Exstaticus. An alternative tune that can also be used is Winchester New, as featured in the following video. In the Divine Office (1974), Christ the True Light of Us is one of the optional hymns for Night Prayer (Compline).

Alternative Tune: Winchester New

1 comment:

  1. Links to"Christ the true light, true morn" and "Now it is evening" do not provide the hymns.
    Thank You for a great and useful service.


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