
October 2, 2015

The Gladness of Thy Motherhood / Te Gestientem Gaudiis

Painting by Bernardo Cavallino, 1640 - Wikipedia

PROPER OF SAINTSThe Gladness of Thy Motherhood is a translation by the Abbot of Fort Augustus Abbey, Scotland Oswald Hunter-Blair (1853-1939) of Te Gestientem Gaudiis by Fr. Augustine Thomas Ricchini, OP (1695-1779). In 1757, Fr. Ricchini composed this hymn along with 3 others for the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary. Originally included only in the Dominican Breviary, they were added to the Roman Breviary in 1888. The four hymns are essentially one work: the first 3 hymns are comprised of 5 stanzas each (plus doxology) which correspond to the 15 mysteries of the traditional Rosary. The final hymn: Te Gestientem Gaudiis (the only one in use today) is a recapitulation of the first three hymns. In the Roman Breviary it was traditionally sung at 2nd Vespers on the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary (Oct. 7). The Gladness of Thy Motherhood can be sung to any hymn tune with metre such as the 7th century Latin hymn: Creator Alme Siderum, as featured in the following video.

Tune: Creator Alme Siderum


1. The gladness of thy Motherhood,
The anguish of thy suffering,
The glory now that crowns thy brow,
O Virgin Mother, we would sing.

2. Hail, blessed Mother, full of joy
In thy consent, thy visit too;
Joy in the birth of Christ on earth,
Joy in Him lost and found anew.

3. Hail, sorrowing in His agony
The blows, the thorns that pierced His brow;
The heavy wood, the shameful Rood
Yea! Queen and chief of Martyrs thou.

4. Hail, in the triumph of thy Son,
The quickening flames of Pentecost;
Shining a Queen in light serene,
When all the world is tempest-tost.

5. O come, ye nations, roses bring,
culled from these mysteries divine,
and for the Mother of your King
with loving hands your chaplets twine.

6. All honor, laud, and glory be,
O Jesu, Virgin-born to Thee;
All glory, as is ever meet,
To Father and to Paraclete.

TE GESTIENTEM GAUDIIS by Augustine Thomas Ricchini

1. Te gestientem gaudiis,
Te sauciam doloribus,
Te iugi amictam gloria,
O Virgo Mater, pangimus.

2. Ave, redundans gaudio
Dum concipis, dum visitas;
Et edis, offers, invenis,
Mater beata, Filium.

3. Ave, dolens, et intimo
In corde agonem, verbera,
Spinas crucemque Filii perpessa,
Princeps martyrum.

4. Ave, in triumphis Filii,
In ignibus Paracliti,
in regni honore et lumine,
Regina fulgens gloria.

5. Venite, gentes, carpite
Ex his rosas mysteriis,
Et pulchri amoris inclitae
Matri coronas nectite.

6. Iesu, tibi sit gloria,
Qui natus es de Virgine,
Cum Patre, et almo Spiritu,
In sempiterna saecula.

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