Alphabetical index of all poems on this website. The poems listed here are limited to the specific selections included in the Religious Poetry Appendix of either the Divine Office (1974) or the Liturgy of the Hours (1975). Whenever possible in the following posts I have included videos featuring musical settings of these poems; often choral works or art songs, and as such, have been added for the reader's further appreciation of the poem, but are not part of the liturgy.
A Hymn to God the Father
At a Solemn Music
At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners
Batter My Heart, Three-Personed God
Canticle of Brother Sun
Corpus Christi Carol
De Profundis (Out of My Soul's Depths)
Deign at My Hands
Easter (Most Glorious Lord of Lyfe!)
Easter (Ride Heart, Thy Lord is Risen)
God's Grandeur
Good Lord, Deliver Us!
His Litany to the Holy Spirit
Hymn to God My God, in My Sickness
I See His Blood Upon the Rose
I Sing of a Maiden (I Syng of a Mayden)
If, Lord, Thy Love for Me is Strong
In No Strange Land (The Kingdom of God is Within You)
Lead, Kindly Light
Lines Written in Her Breviary
Love Bade Me Welcome
My Own Heart Let Me More Have Pity On
O Come Quickly! (Never Weather-Beaten Sail)
O Deus Ego Amo Te (O God, I Love Thee)
O Felix Culpa (Adam Lay Ybounden)
O King of the Friday
O Light Invisible, We Praise Thee!
O Perpetual Revolution of Configured Stars
O, To Vex Me Contraries Meet In One
One Foot in Eden
Pied Beauty
Sussex Carol (On Christmas Night All Christians Sing)
That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection
The Beauty of Creation Bears Witness to God
The Call (Come, My Way)
The Dial
The Flower
The Hound of Heaven
The Killing
The Nativity of Christ
The Pulley
The Windhover
The World
Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord
To Keep a True Lent
Trinity Sunday
True Love (My True-Love Hath My Heart)
Wilt Thou Forgive That Sin, Where I Begun
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