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From Thy Bright Heavenly Home |
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, Come is an anonymous 1876 translation of the 9th century Latin hymn, Veni Creator Spiritus attributed to Rabanus Maurus (766-856). A Benedictine monk and theologian who eventually became the Archbishop of Mainz; he is considered one of the most important writers of the Carolingian Age. Veni Creator Spiritus (Come Creator Spirit) is sung on Pentecost at Terce and Vespers in the Roman Breviary. As a solemn invocation of the Holy Spirit, it has long been used by the Church at the ordination of Priests, consecration of Bishops, and is the hymn sung by the Cardinals entering the Sistine Chapel to elect a new pope. Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, Come is sung to Tallis' Ordinal. Throughout England's most turbulent period of religious change, Thomas Tallis (c.1510-1585) remained one of it's most important writers of sacred music. As composer and organist in the Chapel Royal from 1543 until his death in 1585, he composed and performed for Henry VIII, Edward VI, Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth I. In 1549, Tallis was commissioned by Matthew Parker, the (Anglican) Bishop of Canterbury to compose new music which would eventually be included in the Book of Common Prayer. Of the 9 tunes, the last was for the English translation of Veni Creator Spiritus which was to be used during the Rite of Ordination of Priests and Consecration of Bishops. The original text begins: "Come Holy Ghost, eternal God, which dost from God proceed; the Father first and eke the Son, one God as we do read." In the Liturgy of the Hours, Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, Come is used at Pentecost. Another translation of Veni Creator Spiritus also used in the Liturgy of the Hours is Come, O Creator Sprit Blest.
Tune: Tallis' Ordinal
COME, HOLY GHOST, CREATOR, COME - Anonymous, 1876 (Public Domain)
1. Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come,
From thy bright heav’nly throne,
Come take possession of our souls,
And make them all thy own.
2. Thou who art called the Paraclete,
Best gift of God above,
The living spring, the living fire,
Sweet unction and true love.
3. Thou who art sevenfold in thy grace,
Finger of God’s right hand
His promise teaching little ones
To speak an understand.
4. O guide our minds with thy blessed light,
With love our hearts inflame;
And with thy strength, which never decays
Confirm our mortal frame.
5. Far from us drive our deadly foe;
True peach unto us bring;
And through all perils lead us safe
Beneath thy sacred wing.
6. Through thee may we the Father know,
Through thee the eternal Son,
And thee, the Spirit of them both,
Thrice-blessed Three in One.
7. All glory to the Father be,
With his coequal Son;
The same to thee, great Paraclete,
While endless ages run.
VENI, CREATOR SPIRITUS - Rabanus Maurus (Public Domain)
1. Veni, creator Spiritus
mentes tuorum visita,
imple superna gratia,
quae tu creasti pectora.
2. Qui diceris Paraclitus,
altissimi donum Dei,
fons vivus, ignis,
caritas et spiritalis unctio.
3. Tu septiformis munere,
digitus paternae dexterae
tu rite promissum
Patris sermone ditans guttura.
4. Accende lumen sensibus,
infunde amorem cordibus,
infirma nostri corporis,
virtute firmans perpeti.
5. Hostem repellas longius
pacemque dones protinus;
ductore sic te praevio
vitemus omne noxium.
6. Per te sciamus da Patrem
noscamus atque Filium,
te utriusque Spiritum
credamus omni tempore.
7. Deo Patri sit gloria,
et Filio qui a mortuis
Surrexit, ac Paraclito,
in saeculorum saecula. Amen.
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