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Holy Spirit, God of Light is an Anthony G. Petti translation of the Latin Pentecost Sequence, Veni Sancte Spiritus (see 2nd video), attributed to the Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury, Stephen Langton (c. 1150-1228). He played a central role in the dispute between the Papacy and King John of England which led to the writing of the Magna Carta in 1215. He is also divided the books of the Bible into the chapter divisions still in use today. Holy Spirit, God of Light is set to the 1782 tune, Veni Sancte Spiritus by Samuel Webbe (1740-1816). A Catholic, Webbe also composed popular settings of O Salutaris and Tantum Ergo for use at Benediction. In the Liturgy of the Hours, Holy Spirit, God of Light is used at Pentecost.
VENI SANCTE SPIRITUS by Stephen Langton (Public Domain)
1. Veni, Sancte Spiritus, et emitte caelitus lucis tuae radium.
2. Veni, pater pauperum, veni, dator munerum, veni, lumen cordium.
3. Consolator optime, dulcis hospes animae, dulce refrigerium.
4. In labore requies, in aestu temperies, in fletu solatium.
5. O lux beatissima, reple cordis intima tuorum fidelium.
6. Sine tuo numine, nihil est in homine, nihil est innoxium.
7. Lava quod est sordidum, riga quod est aridum, sana quod est saucium.
8. Flecte quod est rigidum, fove quod est frigidum, rege quod est devium.
9. Da tuis fidelibus, in te confidentibus, sacrum septenarium.
10. Da virtutis meritum, da salutis exitum, da perenne gaudium.
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