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Re-Echoing Heaven's Triumphant Praise |
Let All On Earth Their Voices Raise is a translation of the 10th century Latin hymn, Exultet Coelum Laudibus. In 1632, accordance with revisions made to the hymns of the Divine Office by Pope Urban VIII (1568-1644), it was altered and changed to Exultet Orbis Gaudiis. In the Roman Breviary it is sung with the Common of Apostles. Both versions are shown below. It was translated into English by the Anglican Priest and poet, Richard Mant (1776-1848) and published as part of his 1837 collection, Ancient Hymns: From the Roman Breviary. It is often sung to the tune, Rex Gloriose Martyrum, first published in the Catholische Geistliche Gesäsange of 1608. It can also be sung to Tallis' Canon, as shown in the 1st video. In the Divine Office, Let All On Earth Their Voices Raise is used with Morning and Evening Prayer.
Tune: Tallis' Canon
LET ALL ON EARTH THEIR VOICES RAISE by Richard Mant, 1837 (Public Domain)
1. Let all on earth their voices raise,
Re-echoing Heav’n’s triumphant praise
To Him, who gave th’apostles grace
To run on earth their glorious race.
2. Thou, at Whose word they bore the light
Of Gospel truth o’er heathen night,
To us that heav’nly light impart,
To glad our eyes and cheer our heart.
3. Thou, at Whose will to them was giv’n
To bind and loose in earth and Heav’n,
Our chains unbind, our sins undo,
And in our hearts Thy grace renew.
4. Thou, in Whose might they spake the word
Which cured disease and health restored,
To us its healing power prolong,
Support the weak, confirm the strong.
5. And when the thrones are set on high
And judgment’s awful hour draws nigh,
Then, Lord, with them pronounce us blest,
And take us to Thine endless rest.
Exultet Coelum Laudibus performed by Giovanni Vianini
1. Exultet coelum laudibus
resultet terra gaudiis
apostolorum gloriam
sacra canunt solemnia.
2. Vos saecli justi judices
et vera mundi lumina
votis precamur cordium
audite preces supplicum.
3. Qui caelum verbo clauditis
serasque ejus solvitis
nos a peccatis omnibus
solvite jussu, quaesumus.
4. Quorum praecepto subditor
salus et languor omnium:
sanate aegros moribus
nos reddentes virtutibus.
5. Ut cum judex advenerit
Christus in fine saeculi
nos sempiterni gaudii
faciat esse compotes.
6. Deo Patri sit gloria
ejusque soli Filio,
cum Spiritu Paracleto,
et nunc et in perpetuum.
Exsultet Orbis Gaudiis performed by Giovanni Vianini
1. Exsultet orbis gaudiis:
Cælum resúltet láudibus:
Apostolórum glóriam
Tellus et astra concinunt.
2. Vos sæculórum iúdices,
Et vera mundi lúmina:
Votis precámur córdium,
Audíte voces súpplicum.
3. Qui templa cæli cláuditis,
Serásque verbo sólvitis,
Nos a reátu noxios
Solvi iubete, quæsumus.
4. Præcépta quorum protinus
Languor salusque sentiunt:
Sanáte mentes languidas:
Augete nos virtútibus.
5. Ut, cum redibit arbiter
In fine Christus sæculi,
Nos sempitérni gáudii
Concedat esse cómpotes.
6. Patri, simúlque Fílio,
Tibique Sancte Spíritus,
Sicut fuit, sit iúgiter
Sæclum per omne glória. Amen.
Setting of Exsultet Orbis Gaudiis by Francesco Cavalli (1602-1676)
Just wanted to let you know that the first and last videos came up as "This video does not exist". Is it just me?
ReplyDeleteThank you for your fine work. It's wonderful to hear the hymns today for the Feast of St Simon and St Jude, Apostles.