
March 16, 2013

Hymns from the Liturgy of the Hours (ICEL-1975)

Numerical Index of the hymns found in the Liturgy of the Hours (1975) approved by the Episcopal Conferences of the Antilles, Bangledesh, Burma, Canada, of the Pacific CEPAC (Fiji Islands, Rarotangta, Samoa and Takelau, Tonga), Ghana, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua, New Guinea and The Solomons, The Phillipines, Rhodesia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, and the United States of America for use in their Dioceses and Confirmed by the Apostolic See. Related: Thematic Index and Alphabetical Index.

1. On This Day, the First of Days
2. Brightness of the Father's Glory
3. Sion, Sing
4. Morning Has Broken
5. Darkness Has Faded
6. When Morning Fills the Sky
7. Lord Whose Love in Humble Service
8. Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
9. Sing with All the Sons of Glory
10. I Sing the Mighty Power of God
11. All You Nations
12. This Day God Gives Me
13. God Father, Praise and Glory
14. All Creatures of Our God and King
15. O God of Light
16. We Turn to You, O God
17. Christ is the World's Light
18. Breathe on Me, Breath of God
19. From All That Dwell Below the Skies (with Alleluias)
20. From All That Dwell Below the Skies
21. Father, Lord of Earth and Heaven
22. Holy Spirit, Come Confirm Us
23. Come, Holy Ghost, Who Ever One
24. Help Us, O Lord
25. Lord of All Hopefullness
26. Lord of All Being, Throned Afar
27. Almighty Ruler, God of Truth
28. Firmly I Believe and Truly
29. Lord God and Maker of All Things
30. Most Ancient of All Mysteries
31. Faith of Our Fathers
32. Now We Thank We All Our God
33. O Christ, You Are the Light and Day
34. Lord Jesus Christ, Abide With Us
35. The Setting Sun
36. O Father, Whose Creating Hand
37. For the Fruits of His Creation
38. When in His Own Image
39. At the Name of Jesus
40. Love Divine All Loves Excelling
41. Now Fades All Earthly Splendor
42. Day is Done
43. O Worship the King
44. Romans VIII (For Those Who Love God)
45. Let All Things Now Living
46. Father, We Thank Thee
47. We Plough the Fields and Scatter
48. We Praise You, Father, for Your Gifts
49. Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
50. This World, My God
51. Now at Daylight's Ending
52. All Praises to You, O God, This Night
53. The Master Came
54. On Jordan's Bank
55. Maranatha
56. Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
57. Be Consoled, My People
58. Hear the Herald Voice Resounding
59. The King of Glory
60. Wake, Awake, the Night is Dying
61. Creator of the Stars at Night
62. You Heavens, Open From Above
63. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
64. The Coming of Our God
65. Behold a Virgin Bearing Him
66. Song of Salvation Drawing Near
67. Behold a Rose of Judah
68. A Child is Born
69. From Heaven High
70. Go Tell It on the Mountain
71. O Come, All Ye Faithful
72. Songs of Praise the Angels Sang
73. Virgin-Born, We Bow Before You
74. What Child is This
75. A Child is Born in Bethlehem
76. Unto Us a Child is Given
77. Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly
78. Joseph of Nazareth
79. Joy to You
80. O Mary, of All Women
81. As with Gladness Men of Old
82. Sing Praise to Our Creator
83. When Jesus Comes to Be Baptized
84. Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
85. Now Let Us All with One Accord
86. Creator of the Earth and Skies
87. Lord, Your Glory in Christ We Have Seen
88. Praise to the Holiest
89. The Glory of These Forty Days
90. Grant to Us
91. With Hearts Renewed
92. Take Up Your Cross
93. For Forty Years
94. Lord Who Throughout These Forty Days
95. This is Our Accepted Time
96. Draw Near, O Lord
97. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
98. Keep in Mind
99. When from the Darkness
100. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
101. Crown Him With Many Crowns
102. Hail, Redeemer, King Divine
103. All Glory, Praise, and Honor
104. O Sacred Head, Surrounded
105. Were You There
106. This I Ask (John 15)
107. Have Mercy, O Lord
108. I Shall Praise the Savior's Glory
109. The Word of God Proceeding Forth
110. My Loving Savior
111. Christ, Victim for the Sins of Men
112. Alleluia, The Strife is O'er
113. In the Midst of Death (We Who Were Once Dead)
114. I Am the Bread of Life
115. Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands
116. At the Lamb's High Feast
117. The Day of Resurrection
118. Jesus Christ is Ris'n Today
119. Ye Sons and Daughters
120. Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Wesley)
121. Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
122. Hail Thee, Festival Day
123. Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Leeson)
124. Let the Earth Rejoice and Sing
125. Praise Him As He Mounts the Skies
126. The Head That Once Was Crowned with Thorns
127. Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, Come
128. The Spirit of God
129. Holy Spirit, God of Light
130. Splendor of Creation (Send Forth Your Spirit)
131. All Hail, Adored Trinity
132. Holy, Holy, Holy
133. Come Thou Almighty King
134. Lord Who at Your First Eucharist Did Pray
135. God with Hidden Majesty
136. O Christ, Redeemer of Mankind
137. Heart of Christ
138. To Christ, the Prince of Peace
139. Come to Me
140. Shepherd of Souls, in Love Come, Feed Us
141. To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King
142. Great Saint Andrew
143. Hail to the Lord Who Comes
144. When Mary Brought Her Treasure
145. Look Down to Us, Saint Joseph
146. The Great Forerunner of the Morn
147. What Fairer Light
148. O Raise Your Eyes on High and See
149. 'Tis Good, Lord, To Be Here
150. O Cross of Christ Immortal Tree
151. Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens, Adore Him
152. They Come, God's Messengers of Love
153. You Holy Angels Bright
154. Christ is Made Our Sure Foundation
155. The Church's One Foundation
156. Mary, Crowned with Living Light
157. Mary Immaculate, Star of the Morning
158. Holy Mary, Now We Crown You
159. Mother of Christ
160. Hail, This Festival Day
161. Rejoice, O Virgin Mary
162. Hail, Holy Queen (Deiss)
163. The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky
164. Mother of Holy Hope
165. Mary the Dawn
166. Praise to Mary, Heaven's Gate
167. Queen of Heaven
168. The Eternal Gifts of Christ the King
169. Now Let the Heav'ns Resound with Praise
170. Christ, in Whose Passion Once Was Sown
171. A Mighty Fortress is Our God
172. For All the Saints
173. Amazing Grace
174. Loving Shepard of Thy Sheep
175. The King of Love My Shepherd Is
176. Rise Up, O Men of God
177. This is the Feast Day of the Lord's True Witness
178. Now, From the Heav'ns Descending
179. Now Let Us Praise
180. The Beatitudes
181. Blest Are the Pure in Heart
182. O God, Our Help in Ages Past
183. Who Would True Valor See
184. O Radiant Light, O Sun Divine
185. May Flights of Angels Lead You On Your Way
186. God of Truth Prepare Our Minds
187. Lord, Your Word Abiding
188. God, Whose Almighty Word
189. Eternal Father, Through Your Word
190. In Ancient Times God Spoke to Man
191. Lord Jesus, Once You Spoke to Men


  1. Since are not numbered in the breviary, alphabetical order may be easier.

    1. Thanks. I've been meaning to do that. Here is the index in alphabetical order:



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