

Complete index of all hymns and poems posted on this website.

A Child is Born
A Child is Born in Bethlehem
A Hymn to God the Father
A Mighty Fortress is Our God
A Mighty Wind Invades the World
A Noble Flower of Juda
A Patre Unigenite
A Solis Ortus Cardine
Abide With Me 
Abroad the Regal Banners Fly
Ad Coenam Agni Providi
Ad Regias Agni Dapes
Adoro Te Devote
Aeterna Caeli Gloria
Aeterna Christi Munera
Aeterna Lux, Divinitas
Aeterne Rector Siderum
Aeterne Rerum Conditor
Afar from Where the Sun Doth Rise
Ales Diei Nuntius
All Creation was Renewed
All Creatures of Our God and King
All Glory, Praise, and Honor
All Hail, Adored Trinity
All People that on Earth Do Dwell
All Praise to You, My God, This Night
All Ye Who Seek
All You Nations
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
Alleluia, The Strife is O'er
Alma Redemptoris Mater
Almighty Ruler, God of Truth
Alone With None But Thee, O God
Alto Ex Olympi Vertice
Amazing Grace
Angel-Guardians of Men
Angels of God, You See the Father's Face
Angularis Fundamentum
Apostle of the Gentiles
As with Gladness Men of Old
At a Solemn Music
At the Lamb's High Feast
At the Name of Jesus
At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners
Attende Domine
Auctor Salutis Unice
Audi, Benigne Conditor
Aurea Luce 
Aures Ad Nostras Deitatis Preces
Aurora Iam Spargit Polum
Aurora Lucis Rutilat
Ave Maria
Ave Maris Stella (1)
Ave Maris Stella (2)
Ave Maris Stella (3)
Ave Colenda Trinitas
Ave Regina Caelorum

Batter My Heart, Three-Personed God
Battle is O'er
Be Consoled, My People
Be Thou My Vision
Beate Pastor
Beati Quorum Remissae (Psalm 31 (32))
Before We End Our Day, O Lord
Behold a Virgin Bearing Him
Behold, a Rose of Judah
Benedictus (Canticle of Zechariah)
Bethlehem of Noblest Cities
Blessed Be the Lord Our God
Blest Are the Pure in Heart
Breathe on Me, Breath of God
Bright as Fire in Darkness
Brightness of the Father's Glory
Bring All Ye Dear Bought Nations, Bring

Caelestis Aulae Nuntius
Caeli Deus Sanctissime
Caelestis Urbs Jerusalem
Canticle of Brother Sun
Christ be Near at Either Hand
Christ, of the Angels' Praise and Adoration
Christ is Made Our Sure Foundation
Christ is the World's Light
Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands
Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Leeson)
Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Wesley)
Christ, in Whose Passion Once Was Sown
Christ is Here, Emmanuel!
Christ is the World’s Redeemer
Christ the True Light of Us
Christ, Victim for the Sins of Men
Christ Whose Blood for All Men Streamed
Christe, Cælorum Domine
Christe Qui Lux Es Et Dies
Christe, Sanctorum
Christo Profusum Sanguinem
Christ­us Re­demp­tor Om­ni­um
Claro Paschali Gaudio
Clarum Decus Jejunii
Come Down, O Love Divine
Come to Me
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, Come
Come, Holy Ghost, Who Ever One
Come, Holy Spirit, Live In Us
Come, My Way (The Call)
Come, O Creator Spirit Blest
Come, O Creator Spirit, Come
Come, Praise the Lord, the Almighty
Come Spirit Blest, with God the Son
Come, Thou Almighty King
Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
Conditor Alme Siderum
Consors Paterni Luminis
Corde Natus Ex Parentis 
Corpus Christi Carol
Creator of the Earth and Skies
Creator of the Stars of Night
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Crudelis Herodes, Deum
Custodes Hominum Psallimus Angelos

Darkness Has Faded
Day is Done
De Profundis (Poem)
De Profundis (Psalm)
Decora Lux
Deign at My Hands
Die Parente Temporum
Deus Tuorum Militum
Domine, Ne In Furore Tuo Arguas Me (Psalm 6)
Domine, Ne In Furore Tuo Arguas Me (Psalm 37 (38))
Down in Adoration Falling
Draw Near, O Lord

Easter Glory Fills the Sky
Easter (Most Glorious Lord of Lyfe!)
Easter (Ride Heart, Thy Lord is Risen)
Ecce Iam Noctis
En Acetum, Fel, Arundo
Eternal Father, Loving God
Eternal Father, Through Your Word
Ex More Docti Mystico
Exsúltet Cælum Láudibus (Now Let the Heav'ns Resound with Praise)
Exultet Caelum Laudibus (Let All on Earth Their Voices Raise)
Exsultet Orbis Gaudiis (Now Let the Heav'ns Resound with Praise)
Exsultet Orbis Gaudiis (Let All on Earth Their Voices Raise)

Faith of Our Fathers
Father, Lord of Earth and Heaven
Father Most Holy, Gracious and Forgiving
Father, We Praise You, Now the Night is Over
Father, We Thank Thee
Finita Iam Sunt Proelia
Firmly I Believe and Truly
For All the Saints
For All Thy Saints, O Lord
For Forty Years
For the Fruits of His Creation
Fortem Virili Pectore
Forth From on High the Father Sends
From All That Dwell Below the Skies (with Alleluia)
From All That Dwell Below the Skies
From Heaven High

Gall He Drinks
Giver of Life, Eternal Lord
Gloria, Laus et Honor
Go Tell It on the Mountain
God Called Great Prophets to Foretell
God Father, Praise and Glory
God Hath Spoken by His Prophets
God, of Thy Pity, Unto Us Thy Children
God, Who Made the Earth and Sky
God, Whose Almighty Word
God With Hidden Majesty
God's Blessed Spirit Moved His Virgin Saint
God's Grandeur
Good Lord, Deliver Us!
Grant to Us
Great Saint Andrew

Hail Thee, Festival Day
Hail, Holy Queen
Hail, Our Queen and Mother Blest
Hail Our Savior's Glorious Body
Hail Queen of Heaven, Beyond Compare
Hail, Queen of Heaven, the Ocean Star
Hail, Redeemer, King Divine
Hail, This Festival Day
Hail to the Lord Who Comes
Have Mercy, O Lord
Hear the Herald Voice Resounding
Heart of Christ
Help Us, O Lord
Hic Est Dies Verus Dei
His Cross Stands Empty
His Litany to the Holy Spirit
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
Holy Light on Earth’s Horizon
Holy Mary, Now We Crown You
Holy Spirit, Come Confirm Us
Holy Spirit, God of Light
Holy, Holy, Holy
Hominis Superne Conditor
Hostis Herodes Impie
How Great the Tale
Huius Oratu Deus Alme Nobis
Hymn to God My God, in My Sickness

Iam, Christe, Sol Iustitiae
Iam Lucis Orto Sidere
Iam Sol Recedit Igneus
I Am the Bread of Life
I Am the Holy Vine
I Bind Unto Myself This Day
I Sing of a Maiden (I Syng of a Mayden)
Iesu Co­ro­na Vir­gin­um
Iesu, Decus Angelicum
Iesu Redemptor Omnium, Perpes Corona Praesulum
Iesu Refulsit Omnium
If, Lord, Thy Love for Me is Strong
Immense Caeli Conditor
Immortal, Invisible
Implente Munus Debitum
In Ancient Times God Spoke to Man
In Monte Olivis Consito
In No Strange Land (The Kingdom of God is Within You)
Instantis Adventum Dei (The Coming of Our God)
Instantis Adventum Dei (The Co-Eternal Son)
Invicte Martyr Unicum
In the Beginning God Created Heaven
I See His Blood Upon the Rose
I Shall Praise the Savior's Glory
I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Iste Confessor (This is the Day Whereon the Lord's True Witness)
Iste Confessor (This is the Feast Day of the Lord's True Witness)
In the Midst of Death
It Were My Soul's Desire

Je­su Co­ro­na Vir­gin­um
Jesus Christ is Ris'n Today
Jesus Comes to Be Baptized
Jesus Refulsit Omnium
Jesus, the Sun of Ransomed Earth
Jesus, True God and Rock of Our Salvation
John 15 (This I Ask)
Joseph of Nazareth
Joseph, the Scriptures Love to Trace
Joseph, Wise Ruler of God’s Earthly Household
Joy Fill Your Heart, O Queen Most High
Joy to You

Keep in Mind

Lead, Kindly Light 
Leader Now on Earth No Longer
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Let All On Earth Their Voices Raise
Let All Things Now Living
Let the Earth Rejoice and Sing
Let Us Worship The Lord of Creation
Lines Written in Her Breviary
Look Down to Us, Saint Joseph
Lord God and Maker of All Things
Lord God, We Give You Thanks for All Your Saints
Lord God, Your Light Which Dims the Stars
Lord Jesus Christ, Abide With Us
Lord Jesus, Once You Spoke to Men
Lord Jesus, Think On Me
Lord of All Being, Throned Afar
Lord of All Hopefulness
Lord Who at Your First Eucharist Did Pray
Lord Who Throughout These Forty Days
Lord Whose Love in Humble Service
Lord, Your Glory in Christ We Have Seen
Lord, Your Word Abiding
Love Bade Me Welcome
Love Divine All Loves Excelling
Love of the Father, Love of the Son
Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep
Lucis Creator Optime
Lux Ecce Surgit Aurea

Magnae Deus Potentiae
Magnificat (Canticle of Mary)
Man of Sorrows, Wrapt in Grief
Maiden, Yet A Mother
Mary Immaculate, Star of the Morning
Mary the Dawn
Mary, Crowned with Living Light
May Flights of Angels Lead You On Your Way
Merciful Saviour, Hear Our Humble Prayer
Miserere Mei, Deus
More Ancient than the Primal World
Morning Has Broken
Most Ancient of All Mysteries
Mother of Christ
Mother of Christ, Hear Thou Thy People's Cry 
My God, I Love Thee
Mother of Holy Hope
My Loving Savior
My Own Heart Let Me More Have Pity On
My Song is Love Unknown

Noc­te Sur­gen­es Vi­gil­e­mus Om­nes
Now at Daylight's Ending
Now Fades All Earthly Splendor
Now From the Heav'ns Descending
Now It is Evening, Time to Cease From Labour
Now Let the Heav'ns Resound with Praise
Now Let Us All with One Accord
Now Let Us Praise
Now that the Daylight Fills the Sky
Now Thank We All Our God
Nox Atra Rerum Contegit
Nox et Tenebrae et Nubila
Nunc Dimittis (Canticle of Simeon)
Nunc Sancte Nobis Spiritus (Come, Holy Ghost, Who Ever One)
Nunc, Sancte, Nobis Spiritus (Come Spirit Blest, with God the Son)

O Blessèd Lord, Creator God
O Christ, Redeemer of Mankind
O Christ the Light of Heaven
O Christ, Thy Guilty People Spare!
O Christ, You Are the Light and Day
O Come, All Ye Faithful
O Come, Now Rod of Jesse's Stem
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
O Come Quickly! (Never Weather-Beaten Sail)
O Cross of Christ Immortal Tree
O Deus Ego Amo Te (My God, I Love Thee)
O Deus Ego Amo Te (O God, I Love Thee)
O Gloriosa Domina
O Gloriosa Virginum
O God, Creator of Us All
O God, I Love Thee
O Fair is Our Lord's Own City
O Father, Whose Creating Hand
O Fathers of Our Ancient Faith
O Felix Culpa (Adam Lay Ybounden)
O Filii et Filiae
O God, Creation's Secret Force
O God of Light
O God of Truth and Lord of Power
O God of Truth Prepare Our Minds
O God, Our Hope in Ages Past
O Great Saint David
O Jesu, Life Springing of the Soul
O Jesu Thou the Virgins' Crown
O King of the Friday
O Light Invisible, We Praise Thee!
O Light Serene of God the Father's Glory
O Loving Wisdom of Our God
O Lux Beata Trinitas
O Mary, of All Women
O Memoriale Mortis Domini
O Most Holy One
O Peter, Who Were Named by Christ
O Perpetual Revolution of Configured Stars
O Radiant Light, O Sun Divine
O Raise Your Eyes on High and See
O Sacred Heart
O Sacred Head, Surrounded
O Salutaris Hostia
O Sanctíssima
O Sol Salutis, Intimis
O Sola Magnarum Urbium
O Strength and Stay
O, To Vex Me Contraries Meet In One
O Trinity of Blessed Light
O Virgin Mother of Our God
O Worship the King
Of the Father's Love Begotten
On Jordan's Bank
On This Day, the First of Days
One Foot in Eden
Our Lord the Path of Suffering Trod

Pange Lingua (I Shall Praise the Savior's Glory)
Pange Lingua (Hail Our Savior's Glorious Body)
Paschale Mundo Gaudium
Phôs Hilaròn
Pied Beauty
Placare, Christe, Servulis
Plasmator Hominis Deus
Praecursor Altus Luminis
Praise Him As He Mounts the Skies
Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens, Adore Him
Praise to Mary, Heaven's Gate
Praise to the Holiest
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
Praise We the Woman Who, Endued
Precemur Omnes Cernui
Primo Die, Quo Trinitas
Primo Dierum Omnium
Proclaim His Triumph, Heaven and Earth

Queen of Heaven
Queen of Heaven, Rejoice
Queen on Whose Starry Brow Doth Rest
Quem Terra, Pontus, Aethera
Quem Terra, Pontus, Sidera
Quicumque Certum Quæritis

Rector Potens Verax Deus
Regina Caeli
Rejoice, O Virgin Mary
Remember Those, O Lord
Rerum Creator Optime
Rerum, Deus, Tenax Vigor (1)
Rerum, Deus, Tenax Vigor (2)
Rex Gloriose Martyrum
Rise Up, O Men of God
Romans VIII (For Those Who Love God)
Roráte Caéli
Ruler of the Dread Immense!

Salutis Aeternae Dator
Salve, Festa Dies
Salve Regina
Sanctorum Meritis Inclita Gaudia
Shepherd of Souls, in Love Come, Feed Us
Sing All Creation, Sing to God in Gladness
Sing My Tongue of Warfare Ended
Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly
Sing Praise to Our Creator
Sing With All the Sons of Glory
Sion, Sing
Sol Ecce Surgit Igneus
Somno Refectis Artubus
Song of Salvation Drawing Near
Songs of Praise the Angels Sang
Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
Sower and Seed of Man's Reprieving
Spirit of God On the Waste and the Darkness
Splendor of Creation (Send Forth Your Spirit)
Splendor Paternae Gloriae
Star of Sea and Ocean
Sussex Carol (On Christmas Night All Christians Sing)
Summae Deus Clementiae
Summae Parens Clementiae
Summi Parentis Filio
Surrexit Christus Hodie
Sweet Savior, Bless Us

Take Up Your Cross
Tantum Ergo
Te Deum
Te Gestientem Gaudiis
Te Lucis Ante Terminum
Te Sicimus Praeconio
Te Splendor et Virtus Patris
That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection
The Ark Which God Has Sanctified
The Beatitudes
The Beauty of Creation Bears Witness to God
The Call (Come, My Way)
The Church's One Foundation
The Co-Eternal Son
The Coming of Our God
The Day is Filled with Splendour
The Day of Resurrection
The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, is Ended
The Dial
The Eternal Gifts of Christ the King
The Father's Holy Ones, the Blest
The Father's Glory, Christ Our Light
The Flower
The Gladness of Thy Motherhood
The Glory of These Forty Days
The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky
The Great Forerunner of the Morn
The Head That Once Was Crowned With Thorns
The Hound of Heaven
The Killing
The King of Glory
The King of Love My Shepherd Is
The Lord Goes Up With Shouts of Joy
The Love of God was Shown to Man
The Martyrs Living Now With Christ
The Master Came
The Messenger from God's High Throne
The Morning-Watch
The Mount of Olives Witnesseth
The Nativity of Christ
The Pulley
The Saints Who Toiled from Place to Place
Thee, O Christ, The Father's Splendour
The Setting Sun
The Spirit of God
The Windhover
The Word of God Proceeding Forth
The World
They Come, God's Messengers of Love
This Day, at Thy Creating Word
This Day God Gives Me
This is Our Accepted Time
This is the Day Whereon the Lord's True Witness
This is the Feast Day of the Lord's True Witness
This World, My God
Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord
Tibi Christe Splendor Patris
Tibi, Redemptor Omnium
Tis Good, Lord, To Be Here
To Christ the Lord of Worlds We Sing
To Christ, the Prince of Peace
To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King
To Keep a True Lent
Transcendent God in Whom We Live
Trinity Sunday
Tristes Erant Apostoli
True Love (My True-Love Hath My Heart)
Tu Trinitatis Unitas

Unto Us a Child is Given
Urbs Beata Jerusalem

Ve­ni Cre­at­or Spir­it­us (1)
Veni Creator Spiritus (2)
Veni Sancte Spiritus
Veni, Veni, Emmanuel (O Come, O Come Emmanuel)
Veni, Veni Emmanuel (O Come Now Rod of Jesse's Stem)
Verbum Supernum Prodiens
Virgin-Born, We Bow Before You
Vexilla Regis Proeunt
Victimae Paschali Laudes (1)
Victimae Paschali Laudes (2)
Victimae Paschali Laudes (3)
Virginis Proles, Opifexque Matris
Vox Clara Ecce Intonat

Wake, Awake, the Night is Dying
We Bless You, Father, Lord of Life
We Plough the Fields and Scatter
We Praise You, Father, for Your Gifts
We Turn to You, O God
Were You There
What Child is This
What Fairer Light
When Christ Our Lord to Andrew Cried
When from the Darkness
When God Filled the Earth with Life
When God Made Man, He Gave Him All the Earth
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
When in His Own Image
When Jesus Comes to be Baptized
When Mary Brought Her Treasure
When Morning Fills the Sky
When Time Began, God Walked With Man
Where True Love is Dwelling, God is Dwelling There
Who Are These Like Stars Appearing?
Who is She Ascends So High?
Who Would True Valor See
With Hearts Renewed
Wilt Thou Forgive that Sin, Where I Begun
Worship, Glory, Praise and Honour

Ye Sons and Daughters
Ye Who Own the Faith of Jesus
You Heavens, Open From Above
You Holy Angels Bright

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much. This is such a wonderfully useful site for us trying to sing the hymns in the Divine Office. God bless you and May His Name be Praised !!


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